The fluffy kitty space marine snuggied into its warframe, pweparing for a most righteous nimbly-bimbly pouncy rouncy. The weather outdoors was cold and drizzly, just like the fluffy kitty liked it (it hated it), and the squirrels were flicking about the yard with abandon. That would all change soon…
One of my keepers has arrived! I ask to be let out on patrol.
I make my case directly to the approaching feet, as a the face ignores me. One of the hands is holding the box-that-lies. I ignore it, but I may have to plead my case physically. The box has the ability to mesmerise my keepers for hours.
I head off a foot and am rewarded with eye contact. My keeper sees me!
Attempting a more subtle approach, I argue that it would be safer for all if I kept watch outside for a while. I’m not proud of my tone, but at least I get results.
Success! One of the hands reaches for the door, and I’m out! So long suckers, you’ll never see me again!
I perch on a nearby watch platform and spend the next while deciding which squirrel to make an example of. All the perching makes me hungry, so I request a pause to take some indoor nourishment and a quick five hour rest.
Tomorrow I think I will gore the beige squirrel.