(( Wrote this a couple days ago but lost it in a freak bootloader incident, so this is a reconstruction of the vibe. ))
I want to be a writer I want to be a writer I want to be a writer i want to be a writer i want to be a writer. I want to be able to say I’m a writer. I want to spend my days being sick over writer’s block, or head swollen with an idea that refuses to be born. I want to play with the forms of being a writer, like the identity. Oh god, more than anything. More than even writing, I want to be a writer.
I want to sit and think quietly thinking my deep thoughts, shifting worlds in my mind, coming up with characters, scenes, philosophies; winding them up and then watching them go tumbling, as I struggle to catch them with my keystrokes.
I want it I want it I want it. I want to write and think about writing, and get lost in writing. And being able to call myself a writer. Not even a good writer. I would be happy to be a bad writer. But just to be a writer.