The contacts rang hot in alarm against the pads of his fingers. Interfacing with this tactile stuff was always a pain - relying on nerve impulses sent through the fingers, and sometimes elsewhere, to convey the flood to megadata that a planetary system processed at any given moment.
He was working a subset of the Mars colonial telemetry, trying to attain gestalt for a wiki roadmap, but the early settlers on Mars were not known for their consistent logging standards, so the data was jagged and ragged, and sometimes just wrong.
But if it was easy, they wouldn’t have sent him all the way to Mars for this hands-on gear work.
The wiki grunts, having finished documenting most of Earth and Luna’s history, now greeted the re-opening of the Earth<>Mars colonial corridor with glee. While Earth admins all over the globe were busy figuring out the logistics of trade with Mars, the grunts’ primary concern was getting the picture on early Mars character.
Like in what way were the first Martians different from folks who stayed behind? How did their new planet change their character?
That sort of thing.