The book may as well have been a closed door to Amou. Metaphorically, he couldn’t make sense of it, and materially, he was also unable to open it.

“C’mon open up,” Amou grimaced in effort, trying to pry the two leaden clasps free. But they wouldn’t budge. In fact they actively strained against his efforts.

“Not until you’ve proven you understand what you’ve read so far,” the book replied.

“It’s about fam— ouch!” A clasp seemed to come loose then snapped back, pinching his finger. “It’s about family, isn’t it,” he said sucking the bead of blood from his pinched finger.

“The story’s characters are related, yes, but what is the tone or theme? What do you think the main conflict will be?” The book made a leafy, dusty sort of harrumph sound.

“Uhh, well the nan is sick isn’t she? It’s about her dying, isn’t it,” he said, placing the book down in pretend defeat. He was thinking maybe he could trick the book into telling me enough about the story for his book report without even having to read it.

(( This is a fun one, though. Kind of reminds me of Rincewind a lil bit. ))