Before tonight I wouldn’t have thought to pray to animals. I believed in prayer of course, but since animals don’t have souls it stood to reason that they couldn’t be divine. Couldn’t relay my prayers to God.
“Really off base with that one, eh?” Charlie said from his perch on my shoulder. He was a squirrel. He could read minds. In case that wasn’t clear.
“Only just” I said, “I was right about the souls.”
“Well true as it is, I bet you wish you didn’t have one now, eh?” he snapped back. He scratched some fleas from behind his ear into my hair.
Now that was a sore point. It was true that my immortal soul guaranteed me a place at His side. Only catch was that I didn’t have a choice in the matter - me and rest of humanity were destined to follow our creator around like pathetic ducklings.
“For what it’s worth, you have my sympathy” Charlie said. Picking up the tenseness in my shoulders. Not that his comment made me feel any better. Not that he cared.
“Oh” I said.