((I: past tense? We: present tense?))

From inside the dome we can see the entire world. All of Ara, as it was. Ara as it is now isn’t worth seeing. Not that we’ve looked outside in while - we’re too busy warring over what to do next. About the comet.

Lately the war’s been slowing down, though. Not because we’ve agreed on what to do, but because we’re being fed less. I know we’ve been slowing down because I’ve, actually, looked outside. Everything on the outside looks faster than it was, which means our processing is slowing down. If we keep slowing down like this, the comet’s going to get here before we have a chance to do anything at all about it.

I think we’re stuck in a big loop. Like a really big loop. The adversarial cognizants are going around and around - just differently enough to keep from seeing the stalemate, but not enough to actually make material progress.