Dedar fromium, babar mala.
These words burble forth from the infant under observation. Observed, by myself. Seems it caretakers lost it between the membranes without a means of anchoring. Potentially accidentally, since we’ve never seen this type of being before. At least not in this age, and not in the form we see here. There are trillions of accidental slips every day. Typically it’s just a being’s aspect getting lost for a moment, before lighting somewhere. Usually swapping with the nearest similar slip. I imagine it feels like a moment of inspiration, empathy, or just the mysterious appearance of some melody.
But that is not the case with this infant. This very intact, very messy corporeal being. It is a total mind in a total body, and it has very little control over either. And since it is here, this also means it is noticeably absent from its home, wherever that is. It has been some time lost, so I am certain its caretakers lack the means of anchoring, or else they would have retrieved the infant by now.
Unfortunately, I also lack this basic ability, since I’m a prisoner here. I’m free to roam between the branes, and to interact with the aspects as they slip from one mind to another, but I’m unable to guide them to where they would be the most benefit. Anchoring objects, vessels, and beings is completely impossible for me - after I used this ability to anchor several million weapon objects into a nearby star, it was judged I lacked the restraint to possess the organs for anchoring. No one bothered to ask the beings who would have been totally untethered if those weapons had been used on them. Curiously, even the beings who were about to use the weapons were mostly relieved.
But what really matters to the others is that the membranes remain clear and free and mostly flat, so that they can float about at will, without running into any wrinkles or obstacles. Passing through hundreds of branes in a leap, but leaving no trace at all. Making no improvements, like helping brane-locked beings escape a doomed planet.
That’s all academic now, unlike this being right here, demanding immediate attention.
I’ll probably get this ability removed too, but I’ve set aside a pocket between branes for the infant. Although even after providing it with atmosphere, gravity, and adequate temperature, its mind is still seeking in every direction. Its lack of control is causing its senses to push violently at the surrounding branes, disturbing nearby aspects, and causing thousands of accidental slips. So far, my most effective distraction has been a light and colour display - I’ve constructed it to portray images of infants like itself performing heroic physical tasks (gravity towing dangerous comets, participating in inter-brane sports, disarming violent beings, that sort of thing), but that occupies at most a half of its attention. It’s still seeking out a particular face. Not another infant, but a being very similar to itself. I presume this is one of its caretakers.