I should start a blog. Like a stream of whatever thing that just publishes these pages out into the aether. Maybe under a new persona? I dunno. Yeah, maybe the other one (grr?) is the raw output, and zen is the filtered, more corp friendly (not too friendly, I hope) output.
I have an urge to buy a domain, like a fun one. But it should be tied to my persona’s name 1:1, or completely unrelated (like my beloved, msx.horse lol)? I mean, I answered my own question before I even got through this sentence - obviously the latter, then my identity can be whatever wherever.
I’m still upset I didn’t get the bad.zone domain when I had the chance. I’m sure I can find something else fun. (Also there’s always nullportal, not doing anything.)
Not very creative for a morning page, but there you have it.