The clock always struck 1.

It seemed to turn and turn, and tic toc, etc. All that. But when it came to striking, it was always one o’clock. I don’t mean that its bonger with a buster, but that the hour hand would be pointing up and to the right – at 1 – every time the hands made their revolution.

Oh the hands were broken - they spun in such a ways that they only ever pointed at one I can hear you thinking, but that’s only part right. It’s true that the hands only ever pointed at one o’clock, but they seemed to behave normally right up until then.

Are you stuck in a time loop you ask? No, no, nothing like that. Besides, I remember all the other times the clock struck 1.

It’s more like the clock is so damned boring that it’s impossible to pay attention to, but only when it’s not about to strike 1 - then it’s just like a normal clock. Boring, but not supernaturally so.

19th century grandfather clock, Swiss made, maker mark unknown; $500.00 no haggling please.