Dam exited his [apartment] building directly into the [courtyard]. He almost exited by one of the side entrances, to bypass the courtyard entirely, but the [stirring] nagged at him. He couldn’t tell if it came from within or without, but he knew that some socializing would help tamp it down a bit.

Around the middle of the courtyard, there were some children playing some sort of game involving many coloured balls. They seemed to spend as much time laughing and bickering over the rules as they did actually throwing the balls. Dam smiled in their direction as he walked by, and felt the [restlessness|stirring] in his unfold slightly, moving from his stomach up to his chest.

Feeling buoyed he set off on foot to the market, to spend the rest of his social energy trying to find a more permanent cure to this feeling. A job was what he really needed - something to throw himself into and forget all about the old one.